Zombies crawl; they are not known for awesome running skills

Foto: Mia Schlyter

Old picture, I know, but I don’t have any good recent ones so let’s just pretend I am a redhead again and all will be peachy keen.

And then the wednesday came to an end. This week is practically running away from me! Feels a bit weird to have time flying by this fast again, me spending 2,5 weeks in bed took forever and now it’s been forever and a day. I just want to grab time and sit down for a while and have a nice little chat, instead of having to run like the red queen to catch up with things. Meh.

Was over at Mia’s and Robin’s today for a cup of tea and because Mia had bought me a really sweet gift! It’s an awesome bracelet that is a spider in a web. Looooots of bling on that, I’ll try to put up a picture of it tomorrow :) Thank you Mia, you are really sweet ♥

Will probably be going to a party on saturday, unless my lungs start acting up again. I think it would be nice to get out and meet people a little :) It’s a party at Micke’s and Andreas’ with a 1920’s theme! So I will need to go buy an outfit, but that will be taken care of on friday is the plan ^_^

Ohwell. Going to bed early today, been sleeping really lousy this week so I need to try to get my sleeping hours back to normal again. Nighty night :3

But I never meant to give her AIDS!

Dead tired and a bit off my rock from a very weird dream I just had. Don’t really remember too much, but we were in a game that reminded me of PVP. We were supposed to catch something that looked like socks (?!) from the other team and run with it to our base to put it in some kind of weird machine thingy, and if we  stole their socks we could also give them some kind of curse/disease. I stole both socks from someone I guess was my old gym teacher, and told her she had cancer and AIDS so she wanted to quit playing, but it was all a game and I wanted to tell her that it would only last as long as she stayed in the arena, but I couldn’t becaue that would be giving away the victory.

Woke up and felt disturbed. Hopefully it will be out of my system soon, don’t want to go around all day feeling bad from this dream.

Anyway, got to lvl 85 with my warlock yesterday and started gearing her up some. Fun thing is that after five minutes as 85 she already has better gear than my priest that I dinged over a year ago. Oops. Entered a heroic instance for some gear, but people were very rude to me due to me not doing the best of dps. I left after we had wiped three times – and it wasn’t even my fault we wiped! My dps may suck but fsck you, I know what I am doing! ;(

Wednesday again. Mittwoch, as it is called in german. The middle of the week. Time flies, eh? Still happy to be back. Had a conversation with the cleaing lady at work yesterday and she had missed me. ”You were gone for what, a week?” she said and smiled at me. ”Um, 2,5 weeks actually”. Haha ^_^ I don’t know, it just feels pretty nice to have been missed. That means people actually notice me some when I am around! Perhaps I am not just another nobody?

Not sure what to wear today. I guess I should go raid the wardrobe. Beware of fauns and such though, I’ve heard they are tricky bastards…

Hottie of the day ♥

And yet another bad guy! Atanas Ilitch in his role of the Driller Killer from Slumber Party Massacre II. A murderer yielding a driller guitar, all clad in black leather and dancing around to awesome rockabilly music? Yeah, I can dig that :)

All play and no work makes Zombie a dull girl

Sorry about the no-show on the blog yesterday. I was too tired yesterday morning (tbh I am again today, can’t seem to get to fall asleep properly atm…) and when I got home off work I had to farm for my mount (WoW) before we were going to roleplay.

But now I’ve got the mount and I’m done with the roleplaying for this week, so now I have time to write some even though I am reaaaally sleepy, yay!

As you should be aware of if you have been following me for a while now we play Call of Cthulhu, in a 1925 setting, at the moment. Yesterday was supposed to be pretty eventless as we were lacking one player and were going to play on three, but it ended with one of us dying and me going to the hospital after blocking a knife with my stomach. I know, I know. Not the best of ideas. I realize that now, when it’s too late ;)

I am starting to ponder wether or not I should prepare already my next character, seeing as how we are all paper tanks that die on more or less one blow. We cannot soak damage, at all! In all other roleplaying games we have some kind of armor that reduces the damage taken, some, but not in CoC. Ouchies!

Anyway. It is a fun game, even though I am starting to worry about what we will be running into. It’s my first time playing CoC, but I have played (some) Kult previously and yeah, I kind of know where this is going. TO HELL! Eek!

It feels good being back at work. I have been so utterly bored being home alone and ill for 2,5 weeks, so it is nice to have people around me to talk to again ^^ and I am being productive again, yay! All play and no work makes Zombie a dull girl, eh? I like my work :) Just too bad when some of the systems and tools I need to use are acting up, I had to spend almost three hours waiting yesterday before I could get started with the stuff I was going to do. Bah!

Hottie of the day ♥

Today’s hottie is Fairuza Balk and the look she sported in the Craft. I grew up watching that movie so it is pretty close to heart ;) I like those old school witch movies. I’ve been waiting for you is another good movie I used to watch when I was a teenager ^_^

Anyone got any good old witch/wicca movies to recommend? :)

Girls dancing around in their underwear? Never happened to me.

Well, I suppose I should write something here today. I have spent the day playing WoW (soooo close to getting the warlock to 85 now!) so I haven’t been very productive today. Watched some movies when playing though! Slumber Party Massacre 1-3. VERY weird trilogy of movies, and I never really understood if the third one had ANYTHING to do with the two first, apart from the murderer using the same murder weapon and the story being pretty much the same.

American sleepovers. Such a weird subject! Chicks drinking a lot of beer and wine and removing their clothing and dancing around. Hm. Never happened to me back in the days when I actually hung out with females ;) We used to watch movies, mostly. We went to the video store to rent a couple of movies and then we ate candy and watched movies. That is pretty much it. Depending on wether or not I was slacker enough to put up the extra bed in my room or not we actually slept in the same bed at times. Ooooo! :P

Anyway. FINALLY going back to work tomorrow! Two and a half week spent in bed and I am so tired of being this unproductive! Also, roleplaying tomorrow since Ola couldn’t play on tuesday. My guess is that he is doing some kind of Valentine’s Day-related thingamajig with his girlfriend. Pssh. Valentine’s Day is really overrated, and I am not only saying that because I am single :P

Going to bed now so I can be somewhat rested before work tomorrow. Sleep tight :3