But I never meant to give her AIDS!

Dead tired and a bit off my rock from a very weird dream I just had. Don’t really remember too much, but we were in a game that reminded me of PVP. We were supposed to catch something that looked like socks (?!) from the other team and run with it to our base to put it in some kind of weird machine thingy, and if we  stole their socks we could also give them some kind of curse/disease. I stole both socks from someone I guess was my old gym teacher, and told her she had cancer and AIDS so she wanted to quit playing, but it was all a game and I wanted to tell her that it would only last as long as she stayed in the arena, but I couldn’t becaue that would be giving away the victory.

Woke up and felt disturbed. Hopefully it will be out of my system soon, don’t want to go around all day feeling bad from this dream.

Anyway, got to lvl 85 with my warlock yesterday and started gearing her up some. Fun thing is that after five minutes as 85 she already has better gear than my priest that I dinged over a year ago. Oops. Entered a heroic instance for some gear, but people were very rude to me due to me not doing the best of dps. I left after we had wiped three times – and it wasn’t even my fault we wiped! My dps may suck but fsck you, I know what I am doing! ;(

Wednesday again. Mittwoch, as it is called in german. The middle of the week. Time flies, eh? Still happy to be back. Had a conversation with the cleaing lady at work yesterday and she had missed me. ”You were gone for what, a week?” she said and smiled at me. ”Um, 2,5 weeks actually”. Haha ^_^ I don’t know, it just feels pretty nice to have been missed. That means people actually notice me some when I am around! Perhaps I am not just another nobody?

Not sure what to wear today. I guess I should go raid the wardrobe. Beware of fauns and such though, I’ve heard they are tricky bastards…