The shape of things to come

Well, apart from the fact that I have been ill for two weeks and have hardly posted anything at all I am still under the impression that I have lost about 100 readers a day since my switch to english. That is quite contra-productive, seeing as how the plan was to gain readers and not to lose them. Hopefully it is just a glitch due to my absence and nothing else, I kind of enjoy having people read what I have to share ;)

My plan is to start giving off more reviews of movies and books and so forth here. Not only, but as a flavour. I have a LOT of opinions about most of the shit I watch, and it would be fun to share some of it. I am not sure how deep I should get, seeing as how it may be a LOT of spoilers if I go too deep into it, but we’ll see about that. I could always insert a jump and put the spoilers ”after the jump” – also it sounds cool ;)

The thought that triggered this little plan is my rage over bad movie adaptions of Stephen King novels. I have been reading King since I was 9 and I am quite fond of his books, so it kind of pisses me off when the movie is messed up and doesn’t give off the same vibe as the written word. Then again, I have a lot of really good Stephen King movie moments, so it is not all bad. Would this be interesting, or would I only write it to amuse myself and nothing else?

This blog IS an open forum in the way that it needs readers. If I didn’t want your opinions on stuff I would be writing in a book with a pen and keep it locked under my pillow, that kind of diary that I kept when I was young. But blogging is something people do because they want readers and because they want their readers opinions. So, please share your thoughts with me. Book/music/movie/game reviews – Yay or Nay?

[poll id=”1″]

Same old, same old

För fjärde dagen sitter vi nu utan internet hemma. Nath ringde Tele2 igår igen (fjärde eller femte dagen sedan i fredags…) och de hade ingen lust att göra något, utan sade att de har två arbetsdagar på sig från felanmälan att ens höra av sig för att ge oss besked. Så vi satt fram till åtta igår (då deras support stänger) och väntade på att få besked av dem, men inget. Så ja. Inte det minsta nöjd. Har massor av saker jag måste göra och jag BEHÖVER INTERNET för det. FFS!

I alla fall. Tänker nog ge mig in på WoW igen. Det har gått 11 månader sedan sist och jag känner att det är dags att ge det ett nytt försök. Jag har nästan börjat sakna att farma herbs och allt sådant, så ja. Får hoppas att det kan matcha mina förväntningar :P Det verkar i alla fall som att många av mina gamla vänner fortfarande spelar, om än utspridda på olika servrar. Så klart. Nåväl, har vi internet ikväll så kanske jag dyker upp; det beror på hur djävla mycket patches jag måste få installerat först :P

Nu börjar min arbetsdag, så ja. Hejdå.

Gårdagens look:
