If you knew Time as well as I, you wouldn’t dream of wasting him!

I had these really weird dreams that made me stressed. I was still in school and I realized I was too late, I wasn’t going to make it in time. Our first class was History and the teacher was a real bitch, so I started running and when I got to school I was there with 20 minutes to spare – until I realized I had ran to my OLD school instead of the current one! But I still got there in time, because somehow we were using the Academic 15 minutes in High School. Then we were going to have Gymnastic class, but I had forgotten to bring my gym clothes so I made up a story about having been asked to sweep the dressing rooms, and since we had a substitute teacher she believed it. I found a note from one of the bosses at work informing the teacher that one of his guys were on the way, but that he had overslept and was almost blind and had walked in the wrong direction. He was almost at ”the Casino” which was obviously Visby Airport because they had a Casino there now. /shrug

Alarmed called, I woke up and started to think about the dream and then I realized I was about to fall asleep again. Argh! So I rushed up, got into the shower and here I am now.

I just really, REALLY hate not being on time. It is normal for me to have nightmares where I am late to school/work/meetings/whatever. I have been late for school once in 12 years and work twice in 9 years, so yeah. That is still three times too much! (school = overslept, no idea why. work = schedule change no one informed me about & iphone bug when we went to Daylight saving time)

*stressed out*

Nothing changes the fact that I am a girl, but the fact that I am a girl changes nothing

I had all these weird dreams about being pregnant and having a baby. The dreams were strongly influenced by some of the mom-blogs I read, but still very strange. And then I woke up an hour before my alarm and I had to try to fall back to sleep again. I am pretty sure I did not succeed in that, because I am really tired right now and I almost feel dizzy.

Yesterday I transferred my paladin to Stormreaver to start levelling her aswell. So I have two healers at 85, one at 82 and one at 62 at the moment. I like healing :3 I can’t really say that playing a healer is something that is particularly ”girly” either, even though people have made that kind of comment. The majority of the girls I know that play WoW play dps, and they usually go for the warlocks or hunters. All the healers I know and have played with are men, with one or two exceptions. So meh, can’t really say that I think that ”healing is girly!”. People are still entitled to their opinions, though ;)

My mother comes to visit today so my plan is to go take a fika at Ebba’s after work while waiting for my brother to end his shift. And tomorrow we are going to Väla to spend a lot of money on useless shopping, haha ^^ Nah, but I kind of need a pair of good spring shoes and perhaps some cute outfits now that the sun is back to haunt us :) Haven’t seen my mom since mid-December so will be nice to be able to spend some time with her :)

How am I supposed to keep track of all the changes?

Yesterday it was embarrassingly obvious that I haven’t ben playing WoW for a very long time, and especially the warlock. Was in a heroic with Björn and three randoms, and the tank died. We were me (lock), two palas, one priest and one shaman, and when the pala tank died the healer started yelling for combat ressurrection. I lol’d and said that we had no druids in the party, upon which the healer left the party and the other pala called me a noob. I was really confused, but after asking my guru (Murck) it turned out that yes, Soulstones can be used for combat ressurrections since a long time back. Hepp. Good thing I know that know, but yeah. That was just crazy :D I haven’t really played the warlock since summer 2010 tbh, so I have no clue with all the changes.

Anyway. Weekend was pretty good. I am feeling better and I hope that I won’t get any more fever or cold or whatever, because I am dead tired of being ill after 3,5 week of illness. It makes me want to punch reality in the face, should I be honest here.

Next weekend I am going out to Wicked Mill Society with my brother and Lotta; a brand new burlesque club premiering in Malmö! And I refuse being ill then, because the tickets are already bought and we are all looking forward to this. I don’t think I’ll be wearing my usual red/black burlesque outfit, I’ve got something more omnious in mind that will be black/white which will be awesome. Pictures will come when I actually have assembled a proper outfit ;)

Had these weird dreams about bikes/cars that I had to fix before a race but the guy I was working for was just really hard to please because he had a lot of weird but strong opinions and his brother was really weird about it all. I had just entered their home when the alarm went off, I think it’s a good thing I didn’t have to spend more time with those two lol.

Now I’m feeling zombiefied

I am feeling very strange today. Almost feverish, but without having a fever. I think I may have been more or less awake half the night and that what I am feeling is sleep deprevation, but I am not sure. Not sure at all. I just know that I really want to go back to bed and sleep another couple of hours. I am drinking a glass of water as I write this, in the hopes that it will help. Don’t want to feel like this at work, that would indeed be sucky :/

There is something I am trying to achieve when dreaming, or lucid dreaming or what is going on. I could be awake too. I hate that I don’t know what is going on. But the last couple of nights I have been chasing some kind of scores, or tokens or something. I just never reach the goal. Meh. So I wake up/leave the bed and I feel incomplete and like a failure. Not a good start of the day, especially when mixed with feeling feverish and weirded out.

Ohwell. Hopefully I’ll feel better when I am properly awake and at work. Otherwise: It is thursday and in two days I can sleep all day if needed. Focus on the positives!

But I never meant to give her AIDS!

Dead tired and a bit off my rock from a very weird dream I just had. Don’t really remember too much, but we were in a game that reminded me of PVP. We were supposed to catch something that looked like socks (?!) from the other team and run with it to our base to put it in some kind of weird machine thingy, and if we  stole their socks we could also give them some kind of curse/disease. I stole both socks from someone I guess was my old gym teacher, and told her she had cancer and AIDS so she wanted to quit playing, but it was all a game and I wanted to tell her that it would only last as long as she stayed in the arena, but I couldn’t becaue that would be giving away the victory.

Woke up and felt disturbed. Hopefully it will be out of my system soon, don’t want to go around all day feeling bad from this dream.

Anyway, got to lvl 85 with my warlock yesterday and started gearing her up some. Fun thing is that after five minutes as 85 she already has better gear than my priest that I dinged over a year ago. Oops. Entered a heroic instance for some gear, but people were very rude to me due to me not doing the best of dps. I left after we had wiped three times – and it wasn’t even my fault we wiped! My dps may suck but fsck you, I know what I am doing! ;(

Wednesday again. Mittwoch, as it is called in german. The middle of the week. Time flies, eh? Still happy to be back. Had a conversation with the cleaing lady at work yesterday and she had missed me. ”You were gone for what, a week?” she said and smiled at me. ”Um, 2,5 weeks actually”. Haha ^_^ I don’t know, it just feels pretty nice to have been missed. That means people actually notice me some when I am around! Perhaps I am not just another nobody?

Not sure what to wear today. I guess I should go raid the wardrobe. Beware of fauns and such though, I’ve heard they are tricky bastards…

Mer än så kan jag inte göra just nu

Jag drömde så mycket konstigheter så det var nästan en lättnad när väckarklockan ringde i morse. Å andra sidan hittade jag inte min morgonrock så just nu har jag klätt på mig en fleece-tröja och en filt. Fasionista!

Gav det hela ett sista försök igår kväll/natt. Räknar inte med något svar. Men jag antar att jag har sagt vad jag behövde få säga nu. Jag vet inte. Kanske mår jag bättre snart. Eller inte, det märker vi. Men just nu är jag för trött för att orka fokusera på det och det är ju alltid bra. Hela kroppen känns tung och jobbig. Jag tänker utgå från att det, efter omständigheterna, är en bra sak.

Ikväll blir det rollspel. Något bra att tänka på. Professor Baronessan Catherine Guilford av Kendal, Westmoreland (tror jag, om jag nu inte flippat uppstavningen någonstans). En arkeolog och historiker i sina bästa år! Äventyr blir det nu för henne, hennes man Dr. Norman Guilford, deras nye vän den italienske mafioson och hennes gamle vän ”Majoren”. Och kanske, i framtiden, den mexikanske trädgårdsmästaren Peppy. Det är ialla fall vad vi hoppas på, men jag antar att vi får låta Sebastian bestämma själv vad han vill spela. Vi kan, bortsett från trädgårdsmästare, även godkänna Hobo Flapper eller Flapper Whore. Så länge han bär en charmeuse :)

Eh… Rollspelshumor. Ni fattar inte ändå :P

Hitta kläder. Apropå att hitta kläder så hittade jag mina gamla skinnbyxor igår! I garderoben, av alla konstiga ställen. Men alltså… Jag har ju letat där?? Någon skämta på mig aprillo!

I nästa dröm blev jag attackerad av en fågel med ormhals

Drömde en sjukt obehaglig dröm som kulminerade i bilden här ovan. Jag minns inte allt, men det handlade om ett sjukvårdsbiträde som drevs in i galenskap och så blev han Jokern. Det var sjukt läskigt och alldeles för mycket knivar med i det hela, så 02:32 vaknade jag till och fick ligga en stund innan jag var lugn nog att somna om. Har sedan legat och studsat in och ut ur sömn fram till tio i sex, då jag gjorde ett sista tappert försök att sova fram tills klockan ringde nu kvart över. Mrrf. Sjukt trött idag, alltså.

Satt igång Spotify men hade ju glömt att jag hade jättehög volym på igår, så satt och slog på skärmen ett tag i ren förtvivlad förvirran innan jag räknade ut hur jag skulle stänga av musiken igen. Lite smått dålig erfarenhet sådär tjugo över sex en fredagmorgon.

Nåväl. Får se ifall jag sover något på tåget, annars får jag väl gå och lägga mig tidigt ikväll helt enkelt.

Nu skall jag packa lite stuff och försöka att inte glömma typ julklappar och sådana viktiga saker, så ja. Hejdå. :)