I had these really weird dreams that made me stressed. I was still in school and I realized I was too late, I wasn’t going to make it in time. Our first class was History and the teacher was a real bitch, so I started running and when I got to school I was there with 20 minutes to spare – until I realized I had ran to my OLD school instead of the current one! But I still got there in time, because somehow we were using the Academic 15 minutes in High School. Then we were going to have Gymnastic class, but I had forgotten to bring my gym clothes so I made up a story about having been asked to sweep the dressing rooms, and since we had a substitute teacher she believed it. I found a note from one of the bosses at work informing the teacher that one of his guys were on the way, but that he had overslept and was almost blind and had walked in the wrong direction. He was almost at ”the Casino” which was obviously Visby Airport because they had a Casino there now. /shrug
Alarmed called, I woke up and started to think about the dream and then I realized I was about to fall asleep again. Argh! So I rushed up, got into the shower and here I am now.
I just really, REALLY hate not being on time. It is normal for me to have nightmares where I am late to school/work/meetings/whatever. I have been late for school once in 12 years and work twice in 9 years, so yeah. That is still three times too much! (school = overslept, no idea why. work = schedule change no one informed me about & iphone bug when we went to Daylight saving time)
*stressed out*
När fyller du år då? Vi gratulerar dig i förskott med White line fever från Lemmy i Motorhead, hörs