Trying to inspire people to read – the pinup approach!

Well, this night I got to sleep until five before I woke up. Progress, I suppose. Woo. Still hoping for a full night of undisturbed sleep though, but yeah. When that happens I’ll celebrate with a shot of vodka (please happen during the weekend, please happen during the weekend).

Thursday! Yes, I keep naming the days even though you should all know them when you click in here. Not sure why I do it, but I’ll pretend it’s because I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger and therefore am trying to educate you lot. ABC, this is a snake, don’t take candy from strangers, these are the weekdays. How am I doing so far? :)

Well, to be frank, I *was* kind of thinking of becoming a librarian last year. Not sure if I’m over that thought yet, so who knows. Zombie librarian! ”Braaaaains… oh, and you forgot to return your book, here’s your fine for $10.”

Read more books!

So yeah anyway. Zombie librarian is kind of as cool as a zombie nurse, and even though I have a couple of nurse’s outfits I wouldn’t want to become a nurse, so I guess librarian would be the second best thing then, eh?

Right-oh. THURSDAY. Nevermind the rest, haha. I just got out of the shower and since I can’t find my bath robe I am currently wearing two towels and a blanket. So, um, kind of need to go get dressed. But nice talking to y’all!

(also that hair color in the picture? lousy ratty blonde? yeah, my natural color. i know, i know. it is horrible in a bad way. so yeah. artificial color ftw!)

Stating the obvious, are we?

Förvirrad; Jag ställde om min väckarklocka från 6:45 till 6:25, och djävlar vad piggare man känner sig! Har även hunnit med alla morgonrutiner; blogga, läsa bloggar, läsa serier, duscha och lyssnat på lite trevlig musik. Wut?

Snoozade inte ens! Det gör jag ju i vanliga fall. Så det är ju en hel HALVTIMME extra spelrum jag har! Wohoo! :)