Too weird to be considered normal; Too normal to be considered weird

I just feel that it’s hard to find where I fit in. I am in between and none of the camps accept me because I don’t fit their standards. I just don’t know what to do about it either, because I cannot give up on what makes me normal and I cannot give up on what makes me weird. So I will stay in this no-man’s-land and hope that I will someday meet someone who’s like me. I would like that.

Tired today. I had problems falling asleep yesterday, of course. I think I fell asleep around 1AM, so yeah. Not really rested and chill today, lol. And tonight I’m going out for a beer or two, so this week will come off to a really rested start. OH WAIT.

Apart from that things are …well… pretty good, I guess? I am sad, but I feel pretty OK anyway. At least right now, but I guess that the winds can change at any given moment. I’ll do my best to keep my head high. I am getting really tired of these lows.

It’s a month until my 28th birthday today, but I still got to ride the bus as a youth on saturday. I just asked for a ticket and assumed he would charge me as a grown-up, but I only payed half price according to my brother who actually looked at the machine. Hrm. Do I really look that young? I understand that I get to ride on youth ticket if I ask for one, but this? It’s good, I guess. People still think my brother is the one who is six years older than me and not the other way around. lol.

Time to try to find something to wear. I realised that the jeans I usually wear are WAY too big right now. Chubby gone slim. Nothing to wear still. wuuut.

Because sometimes a girl is entitled to some bragging, that’s why

And then the skirt was finished. Wooo. It got better than I had dared to expect, but perhaps not as good as I may have wanted. Good enough, though! I think this outfit will look awesome! :) Gonna buy stockings and stuff tomorrow, and perhaps also some fake eye-lashes I fell in love with. Mrrrf. I like planning big awesome outfits ^_^ Next one to be planned will be what to wear for my birthday, I guess. No idea yet :P But yeah. Not sure if it is worth turning older. I feel like there are so many things I want to accomplish in life where my age will get a bigger and bigger issue and problem. Meh. Not good.

Anyhoooo I’m tired today. Long week and I haven’t slept as well as I may have wanted. I am seriously thinking about going to bed early today to try to catch up on some sleep, since tomorrow will be a loooooong day indeed. Thousand things going on and all I want is ONE phone call I am not going to make. Silly stupid.

Ohwell. I didn’t have anything important to say, I just wanted to brag about me finishing the skirt ^_^

Not that I need sleep, but I do

I did the misstake of snoozing before I got up this morning. Not a good idea, at all. I know that I get wayyyy more tired whenever I snooze, and still I do? Silly stupid. Now I am trying to keep my eyes open but every time I blink it feels like it’s getting harder and harder to open the eyes again. And I am not going to get a lot more sleep this weekend, seeing as how I have to get up around 8:30 on Saturday to go to Väla with my brother, and then I am not going back to bed until ~7:00 on Sunday morning due to us going to the club and then going with the first train home in the morning. So yeah, Sunday will be spent in bed because I will be in dire need of sleep. Omg. No idea how I am going to manage this, but it sounded like such a good idea when it first came up! I think I will have to try to get some naps during the day, like a child/old lady. lol.

I was so sleepy yesterday, but all of a sudden my stomach filled up with squeee and then I couldn’t fall asleep when I wanted to. Instead I was wide awake but oh so tired. Very annoying combination tbh, when you want and need to sleep but instead you are staring at the ceiling, picturing one million different possibilities. Silly stupid.

Monday I’ll be going out for a beer with two friends after work. Since I will be asleep all sunday I will be really perky and awake and everything by then, right? …right. Haha. Oh I will be such a mess.

Today I need to remember to bring glasses home from work, because I need to sew today and tomorrow to build that bustle skirt I really need for my outfit. Good thing I don’t do things last second all the time! …oh, wait. :P

Clothes, makeup, 6 feet axe.

Sometimes it’s not that bad

It’s just one of those days. Those good days! I got out of bed and glanced at myself in the full body mirror that is next to the bed (more or less) and realized I actually look pretty awesome. And to celebrate that moment of self-love I am now going through a shorter playlist of Guns N’ Roses just to keep the good feeling going.

Nothing posted yesterday, boohoo. I was busy sleeping and playing WoW. Still having a cold, but at least I’ve been fever-free since Thursday *knock on wood*. Was hoping to sleep in both yesterday and today but instead I wake up at nine~ish. Well, I guess that is pretty good actually. Need to be able to get up at half past six tomorrow, so ;)

Nathaniel got the fever yesterday. Same as I had, I suppose. He is in Malmö now so I hope he is able to stay put until he feels good enough to travel. It’s not that I don’t want him to come home, but I think he should rest and then travelling would be contra-productive.

Anyway. Need to get going with my day now. I’ll see if I’ll post more today, otherwise you will have to survive until tomorrow (oh nooooes) :P


Well, when I said I was feeling feverish yesterday I wasn’t wrong. I left work earlier and went home to sleep, and when I woke up I had a fever of 39 degrees. Meh. Also, I’ve started coughing again. Feeling a wee bit better today but I don’t think I am in the clear here. Just because things are pretty OK right now (compared to yesterday) doesn’t really mean a thing. Hooray.

So, yeah. I will have to stay home from the party tomorrow. If I am still getting fevers I shouldn’t really leave the apartment. I will have to stay in bed/play computer games instead, even though it would be fun to get out and meet people. Again: Meh.

This means I have been ill for three weeks now. THREE goddamn WEEKS!? Overkill. MEH!

Ohwell. I need to get dressed for work and I hope that you all will keep your fingers crossed that the fever doesn’t return. I am supposed to be training some of our ”new” guys today so need to be able to stand up and answer questions and so forth.

Now I’m feeling zombiefied

I am feeling very strange today. Almost feverish, but without having a fever. I think I may have been more or less awake half the night and that what I am feeling is sleep deprevation, but I am not sure. Not sure at all. I just know that I really want to go back to bed and sleep another couple of hours. I am drinking a glass of water as I write this, in the hopes that it will help. Don’t want to feel like this at work, that would indeed be sucky :/

There is something I am trying to achieve when dreaming, or lucid dreaming or what is going on. I could be awake too. I hate that I don’t know what is going on. But the last couple of nights I have been chasing some kind of scores, or tokens or something. I just never reach the goal. Meh. So I wake up/leave the bed and I feel incomplete and like a failure. Not a good start of the day, especially when mixed with feeling feverish and weirded out.

Ohwell. Hopefully I’ll feel better when I am properly awake and at work. Otherwise: It is thursday and in two days I can sleep all day if needed. Focus on the positives!

Mer än så kan jag inte göra just nu

Jag drömde så mycket konstigheter så det var nästan en lättnad när väckarklockan ringde i morse. Å andra sidan hittade jag inte min morgonrock så just nu har jag klätt på mig en fleece-tröja och en filt. Fasionista!

Gav det hela ett sista försök igår kväll/natt. Räknar inte med något svar. Men jag antar att jag har sagt vad jag behövde få säga nu. Jag vet inte. Kanske mår jag bättre snart. Eller inte, det märker vi. Men just nu är jag för trött för att orka fokusera på det och det är ju alltid bra. Hela kroppen känns tung och jobbig. Jag tänker utgå från att det, efter omständigheterna, är en bra sak.

Ikväll blir det rollspel. Något bra att tänka på. Professor Baronessan Catherine Guilford av Kendal, Westmoreland (tror jag, om jag nu inte flippat uppstavningen någonstans). En arkeolog och historiker i sina bästa år! Äventyr blir det nu för henne, hennes man Dr. Norman Guilford, deras nye vän den italienske mafioson och hennes gamle vän ”Majoren”. Och kanske, i framtiden, den mexikanske trädgårdsmästaren Peppy. Det är ialla fall vad vi hoppas på, men jag antar att vi får låta Sebastian bestämma själv vad han vill spela. Vi kan, bortsett från trädgårdsmästare, även godkänna Hobo Flapper eller Flapper Whore. Så länge han bär en charmeuse :)

Eh… Rollspelshumor. Ni fattar inte ändå :P

Hitta kläder. Apropå att hitta kläder så hittade jag mina gamla skinnbyxor igår! I garderoben, av alla konstiga ställen. Men alltså… Jag har ju letat där?? Någon skämta på mig aprillo!