Drinking tea in dreamland

Photo: Monica Hansson

Just got back from work. My back and neck is aching like hell, but the sun is shining outside and I got a hair cut today, so yeah, can’t really complain that much ^_^

Only problem is that I am really, really tired. Sleepy tired. I don’t think I should go rest though, because that would only mean I won’t be able to fall asleep tonight. Meh. What is a poor zombie to do? …take a shower, of course! Wooo! If I don’t fall asleep or die or pass out of exhaustion I just MAY give you a better picture of my ”new” hair later on. But now… Hot water! Wooo!

Boots that were not made for walking should not be used for walking

Expectations not met, and I feel disappoint. I shouldn’t expect too much of people, I know. But I really do try to give them the benefit ouf doubt. But every single time they prove to me that I was right in being unfairly suspicious towards them.

Anyway. Walking home yesterday after having spent the night sleeping on a friend’s couch (Thank you Michael ^^) was pretty nice, apart from the boots hurting my feet. Those boots were obviously NOT made for walking, at least not any long distance walking… But the sun was shining, it was really warm out and I had all this really good music to listen to. Also kind of came to the realization that I shouldn’t drink red wine, haha :D

I wasn’t really feeling hungover yesterday, which came as a relief. So I cleaned the bathroom, did a lot of laundry and played some WoW. And then came the evening. Meh. I was laying on the couch for an hour, half-asleep and listening to music (with Spotify surprising me with its’s clever randomness; I like this song! And this one too!) and feeling that perhapssss I shouldn’t drink so much next time… Stupid hangover.

Today I am merely sleepy. And naked. So yeah, time to go get dressed I suppose :)
I will hopefully receive my new phone today! Yay! :D

No rest for the wicked ones

I decided to take a power walk yesterday, and was really happy to see that I am still able to keep up with the pace I kept 2 months ago. 2 months. Yes, it is about that long, if not longer, since I was taking my walks. It felt really good to be out and about. And then I caught sight of the full moon, and I was lost. Spellbinding. I don’t believe in magic but I believe in instincts, I suppose you could say. And that moon… incredible. I kind of wanted to run inside and fetch my camera, but I don’t have any good view of it from my home, so I gave up on the idea.

Today I feel a wee bit tired legwise, but apart from that it’s all peachy keen. Well, apart from me being INSANELY tired because I woke up in the middle of the night again and thought it was morning. Urrrgh. Tomorrow I am going to sleep until I wake up naturally, hopefully that will make me feel more rested on saturday…

Well, as Cure said: It’s friday I’m in love (I only heard that other Friday song about …once, so it doesn’t disturb me) and I guess this will be a nice day. I think I will MAKE it a nice day, in any case ^_^ /hi-five

Winter wonderland! …wait, what?

For some reason there is snow outside. A LOT of it. And yes, that is cold and stupid and what’s even worse is that I left my winter boots at work yesterday and went home wearing my inhouse shoes. Hrm. BUT I can bring my camera today and take some sweet snow pictures, so I am trying to focus on the positives here :)

Got such a head ache right now, but I am hoping it will pass soon. Not sure if I got enough sleep last night, I know I woke up sometime around three and was confused that it was not yet time to go up and get ready for work. So yeah. Here I am. Tired beyond recognition and with a head ache, and as soon as I get to work I can add wet and cold feet to the list of my miseries. OH WHAT LIFE IS BAD.

I am of course not serious. Even though head ache and cold feet I am still in a good mood. Isn’t that just peachy? :)

Ohwell. Time to get dressed. I bet it is cold as fuck outside so I want to wear something warm :P

Nothing changes the fact that I am a girl, but the fact that I am a girl changes nothing

I had all these weird dreams about being pregnant and having a baby. The dreams were strongly influenced by some of the mom-blogs I read, but still very strange. And then I woke up an hour before my alarm and I had to try to fall back to sleep again. I am pretty sure I did not succeed in that, because I am really tired right now and I almost feel dizzy.

Yesterday I transferred my paladin to Stormreaver to start levelling her aswell. So I have two healers at 85, one at 82 and one at 62 at the moment. I like healing :3 I can’t really say that playing a healer is something that is particularly ”girly” either, even though people have made that kind of comment. The majority of the girls I know that play WoW play dps, and they usually go for the warlocks or hunters. All the healers I know and have played with are men, with one or two exceptions. So meh, can’t really say that I think that ”healing is girly!”. People are still entitled to their opinions, though ;)

My mother comes to visit today so my plan is to go take a fika at Ebba’s after work while waiting for my brother to end his shift. And tomorrow we are going to Väla to spend a lot of money on useless shopping, haha ^^ Nah, but I kind of need a pair of good spring shoes and perhaps some cute outfits now that the sun is back to haunt us :) Haven’t seen my mom since mid-December so will be nice to be able to spend some time with her :)

Leap year!

We actually managed to finish what we were supposed to finish yesterday! Also, it is kind of a bad sign if you have already agreed that we are NOT going to quit playing until we are all done! …and then you start yawning at 8PM. Oops. We stopped playing around 11PM, so yeah, was kind of tired at that point. Lost a couple of sanity points but managed to regain most of them. Hrm. I am just happy as long as the baroness actually survives, haha ^^

So far so good, I really like Call of Cthulhu! Would have wanted to participate in a Kult campaign too, but no one owns any of the books so that’s isn’t the easiest thing to accomplish. Bah. We’re keeping all eyes open, though.

Right. So I am insanely tired right now and more or less just REALLY want to crawl back to my resting place. Urrrgh. Tired Zombie is tired ;( Buuut half the week has almost passed (again?!) and even though my mother is coming to visit this weekend I will be able to catch up on *some* sleep at leat. Woooo.

The pictures that were taken of me and Ricard this weekend was uploaded yesterday! I’m going to ask the photographer if it is OK that I put them here, otherwise you can go to www.bennytillberg.se and take a look in his gallery; I am the one wearing a black and white striped shirt and a corset with ribs on it :) Really happy with how those pictures turned out, I usually don’t look good on pictures on the first try ^^

Yesssh… it HAS to be time for a photoshoot soon, right? I have two locations in mind, just need to remember to check up if there are any way to rent/borrow  those for an hour or two for some awesomenice pictures. REMEMBER THIS. I also have other stuff I need to fix. REMEMBER THIS AS WELL. Caps takes care of things, pew pew!

Well known fact: Hot water can stop the rigor mortis process

Starting the day with a shower = Feeling a bit less zombiefied and a lot more human!

I can honestly say that whenever I start the day off with a shower I always think that I should just stick my head into the cabin and just wash my hair, but whenever I actually do take a proper shower I always feel a lot better. Warm water is good for my rigor mortis, I guess :) This zombie is all of a sudden both alive and can bend her arms and legs properly, wooo!

Today is RPG night! Well, no: Tonight is RPG night! We were going to finish New York last week, but it took us too long when we were stocking up on weapons so we had to cut short since everyone was really sleepy. Tonight we are going to play until we are done, so I suppose I will have to play half asleep, haha ^_^ Buuut last week my boss kind of promised that I could flex my working hours tomorrow, and start a bit later in the day. I may be holding him to his word on that ;)

It looks like I may be able to roleplay twice a week soon, as the thursday group is going to start a campaign of Dark Heresy and I was asked to join. Not sure what I want to play yet, I have already tested to go the Sororitas way and I think that if I roll yet another one  I’ll just repeat what I’ve already done. But Ophelia was a really cool character ^_^ Had a lot of fun with her and the old gang. Kind of miss the old gang, but I don’t think we’ll play together again. Mrrf. So yeah… Hi, new gang!

Ohwell. Time to find clothes. I am currently staying awake to the lovely sound of bagpipes (Saltatio Mortis – In Taberna) which is awesome, but I kind of need to be dressed aswell. Cheers!