Boots that were not made for walking should not be used for walking

Expectations not met, and I feel disappoint. I shouldn’t expect too much of people, I know. But I really do try to give them the benefit ouf doubt. But every single time they prove to me that I was right in being unfairly suspicious towards them.

Anyway. Walking home yesterday after having spent the night sleeping on a friend’s couch (Thank you Michael ^^) was pretty nice, apart from the boots hurting my feet. Those boots were obviously NOT made for walking, at least not any long distance walking… But the sun was shining, it was really warm out and I had all this really good music to listen to. Also kind of came to the realization that I shouldn’t drink red wine, haha :D

I wasn’t really feeling hungover yesterday, which came as a relief. So I cleaned the bathroom, did a lot of laundry and played some WoW. And then came the evening. Meh. I was laying on the couch for an hour, half-asleep and listening to music (with Spotify surprising me with its’s clever randomness; I like this song! And this one too!) and feeling that perhapssss I shouldn’t drink so much next time… Stupid hangover.

Today I am merely sleepy. And naked. So yeah, time to go get dressed I suppose :)
I will hopefully receive my new phone today! Yay! :D