Trying to inspire people to read – the pinup approach!

Well, this night I got to sleep until five before I woke up. Progress, I suppose. Woo. Still hoping for a full night of undisturbed sleep though, but yeah. When that happens I’ll celebrate with a shot of vodka (please happen during the weekend, please happen during the weekend).

Thursday! Yes, I keep naming the days even though you should all know them when you click in here. Not sure why I do it, but I’ll pretend it’s because I wanted to be a teacher when I was younger and therefore am trying to educate you lot. ABC, this is a snake, don’t take candy from strangers, these are the weekdays. How am I doing so far? :)

Well, to be frank, I *was* kind of thinking of becoming a librarian last year. Not sure if I’m over that thought yet, so who knows. Zombie librarian! ”Braaaaains… oh, and you forgot to return your book, here’s your fine for $10.”

Read more books!

So yeah anyway. Zombie librarian is kind of as cool as a zombie nurse, and even though I have a couple of nurse’s outfits I wouldn’t want to become a nurse, so I guess librarian would be the second best thing then, eh?

Right-oh. THURSDAY. Nevermind the rest, haha. I just got out of the shower and since I can’t find my bath robe I am currently wearing two towels and a blanket. So, um, kind of need to go get dressed. But nice talking to y’all!

(also that hair color in the picture? lousy ratty blonde? yeah, my natural color. i know, i know. it is horrible in a bad way. so yeah. artificial color ftw!)

I love my legs ♥

Two nights in a row I have awakened at ~1:30 and thought it was time to get up. Not good. Not good at all. Kind of explains why I’m feeling zombiefied (Curiouser and curiouser and curiouser still) (do you get it? do you? no.)

Wednesday. Again. Mittwoch. Time flies. Tempus fugit. But we’re having a friend coming over tonight, which is nice! It’s one of Nath’s friends, but I like her too, so there! :3 But yeah, I’ll either be the third wheel or I’ll just go play WoW if things get awkward ^_^

Got this link yesterday and I can’t stop listening to that damn song! It’s too cute! And catchy! And …argh! So yeah. That is what I listened to. Or used to listen to, but then I took an arrow to the knee.

The above picture. I miss those shoes, but they were too small, so this is the picture I used to sell them on Tradera. Everyone likes pretty legs right?
I found out via a friend once that someone was using that picture and claiming it to be her on some dating community. So I had to register to tell her to remove my picture that she was using without me allowing it. And she straight out refused! lolwut? Who does that?! I would be so goddamn embarrassed if I claimed to be someone who actually found out about it and asked me to stop. Good thing I have all these good pictures of myself then, if I ever feel the need to register for a dating community :3
I mean… if people use my pictures to gain attention, that should kind of mean that the real deal WOULD get attention amirite? lol.

Time to get dressed! Just need to finish listening to that darn song… ◊

Drinking tea in dreamland

Photo: Monica Hansson

Just got back from work. My back and neck is aching like hell, but the sun is shining outside and I got a hair cut today, so yeah, can’t really complain that much ^_^

Only problem is that I am really, really tired. Sleepy tired. I don’t think I should go rest though, because that would only mean I won’t be able to fall asleep tonight. Meh. What is a poor zombie to do? …take a shower, of course! Wooo! If I don’t fall asleep or die or pass out of exhaustion I just MAY give you a better picture of my ”new” hair later on. But now… Hot water! Wooo!

Current Top 5 according to Spotify

I liked writing this post, so here’s another one! (why are there six artists in my top 5 i dont get it what is going on here guys)

These are my top 5 6 artists right now. Quite the mix, too. Let’s go through them! Again, with links to Youtube in case you are interested in hearing something new :)

1. E-CraftFeindfahrt
My dear old friend Anders posted up a playlist on Facebook ages ago, with Aggrotech / EBM / Powernoise. E-Craft was one of the artists in the list and I liked them at once. This is my favorite song (from them) at the moment!

2. Corvus CoraxBacchus
I have mentioned Corvus Corax earlier in my blog, I think. They are a german group creating lovely medieval music, among other things. If you haven’t heard them you really should go look up their CD’s Cantus Buranus and Cantus Buranus II, that are music adaptions of Carmina Burana. Such awesome music! We play them as soundtrack when we play Call of Cthulhu, since the music is perfect for cultist meetings and dark summonings ♥
Bacchus is a big favorite for me, and it is AWESOME for dancing!

3. NirvanaThe Man Who Sold the World (David Bowie cover)
I’ve listened to Nirvana since I was 10, and then it was too late. He had already killed himself, which was sad. Nirvana is yet another one of those bands I start listening to when it’s too late :/
Anyway. We were out on a school trip and the guys I liked back then brought a CD player and played Territorial Pissing. I thought it was really funny with that ”squeaky voice” he does at the beginning, so I bought the album pretty soon after that and I’ve been hooked ever since. Kurt has an amaizing voice and I wish he would have stayed with us instead of joining Club 27. Nirvana for me is nostalgia.

4. Haggard – been there, done that. Nevermind them right now ^^

5. NamnambuluHunting
People keep sending me a lot of music. An old friend who’s a DJ once send me a lot of music that I put in my winamp playlist. Since I had about 7k songs in that list I always kept it on random. One evening, and this was back in …hm… 2005? I heard this really cool song playing, but I was in bed and couldn’t be assed with getting up, so I never caught the name of the song or the artist. Then it played again, a couple of days later, and I looked them up. Since I can’t find any proper versions of that song (Forgiving, feat. SITD) I chose my current favorite song by them instead ^^ I think it’s a cute song :3

6. QueenInvisible Man
I have listened to Queen since I was nine. I used to stay with a friend of my parents who lived out in the country side, and she had a VHS tape with Bamse on it. This one time I couldn’t be bothered with turning of the VCR after the Bamse episodes had came to an end, and I realized that there were a lof of music videos on this tape, both before and after Bamse. Birgit or her husband Bror had actually taped ~2 hours of Queen videos, and then also 30 minutes of Bamse. I was hooked! The videos! The music! Everything! …and then I learned that also Freddie had passed on. I still love Queen, and it’s been almost 19 years now. Queen are my all time favorite band and words cannot really express how much I love them.
I chose this video because I think it is awesome. Also, no room can ever be hairier than when filled with Brian Mays :D

With friends like these, bring on your fucking worst!

Sometimes I just have to stop and wonder what I have done to deserve the friends I have. I find it an amazing thing when I realize that I have a lot of people I can call whenever I need and they will BE there for me, to listen and comfort and give me the love I need. Thank you. I hope you realize that I am here for you guys, too? ♥

This is related:
Once upon a time a zombie named Carina was playing WoW and had finally farmed those last, dearly needed Valor Points so she could buy her dr00d new boots. She bought the boots, gemmed and enchanted them and felt very happy about her upgrade. The fact that her manapool seemed smaller was confusing, but meh. Carina is a confused girl so perhaps she had just forgotten to unbuff when she looked at her manapool last time.
One day, perhaps one or two days after her purchase of boots, Carina queued up for some HC farming with her friend Marcus in the party, and suddenly she got a whisper from Marcus asking her why the hell she was wearing cloth boots.

OH FUCK << pretty much what she wanted to yell out, and perhaps did.

So yeah. I am stupid. This is not something NEW people, you should know this by now. Me being confused and all? True story bro. So I placed a ticket two days ago that was rejected yesterday. Blizzard has changed their policy. So I came to the understanding that I would have to spent ~two weeks wearing the wrong fucking boots, or that I had to farm to buy boots that were even worse than these. Feck. And then… Björn logged on. I told him the sad story about my boots and he just went and bought me the correct ones as they were Bind on Equip. Wait, what? Did he just spend a shitload of Valor Points on boots for me since I fucked up?! Egads.

Björn, du är fantastisk, och läser du detta skall du veta att du är en högt älskad och värderad vän – OAVSETT om du ger mig saker eller inte!


Days like these I want to grab the nearest pen and stab you in the brain

Materialist! I like owning things. And I just hung up after upgrading my measly little iPhone 3Gs to an iPhone 4s. /happy dance. Got a really good deal and I will be paying 50SEK less per month for a phone that is pretty much twice as good. Yeah, can’t argue with that ^_^

Today has been a very long day. It started off good but then I started to get really annoyed with some people and the way they handle their work, and then the day was pretty much ruined since I have to try to fix things they mess up. Jolly good. No, really. Makes me giggle happily like a mad panda EVERY TIME. Oh, wait. ;(

Anyway. This wednesday has come to an end and tomorrow it’s thursday. Thursday pass quickly, and fridays are nothing but a big lol until the work day is over. I am most likely going to a party on saturday and then spending the night at the couch of a friend living close by, which will be nice. I feel the need to go out and meet more people, now that I am being all OOC and all! (Out of character – doing thing that are not within my comfort zone)

Will most likely spend the evening with World of Warcraft, but then again I just got the latest issue of Rue Morgue… Hm… :3

”Sizeism” – because it is OK to hate on thin people!(?)

”Have you put on a lot of weight lately? You are starting to look really chubby!”
”Oh my god, when did you get so fat?”
”You should lose some weight, you don’t look as good any more”

Neither of these things are OK to say to someone. But turn them around and read thin instead of fat and you have something that happens every day. You look too thin, you feel like a skeleton, you need to eat more, you should put on weight. Why is it OK that people can comment on my body because I am of a smaller size? I am fully aware that none of the people that have actually commented on my recent weight loss (that was not even a volontarily one, but something that was included in my 4 week sickness) are doing this out of malign or to be rude. But to be perfectly honest, it is not that fun to have people stop by daily to give me their opinion on wether or not I am too think.

Before my weight loss I didn’t like my body. My clothes were getting too small, and looking at myself in a mirror I could see all the flaws. Yes, I know what many are thinking: ”You weren’t even close to being chubby, you were thin back then too!”. Yes, I know. But I was still one or two sizes too big for most of my wardrobe.

Now after I have lost that extra weight I suddenly feel much better about myself. Of course I do! I am back to my high school body, my clothes fit and I think I look good! Yes, I AM shallow. When did I ever tell you that I am not a shallow person?

My point here is still that it is not OK to tell a fat person that they are too fat, so people don’t do that. But it is apparently OK to tell a thin person that they are too thin. Why doesn’t people realize that I too can be hurt by any comment that indicates that I am not good enough? Too thin.

The above picture was entered into a Zombie contest on Facebook. I got a LOT of comments from Americans saying that ”she is stick thin”, ”she has a lollipop neck!”, ”her arms are too thin and it looks really bad” and ”that zombie should go eat some hamburgers instead!”. Seriously. Does anyone think that ANYONE want to hear that about themself?
NO ONE left a comment like that to the chubbier zombie chicks. No one said ”you should eat less burgers and more brains”, ”her arms are bigger than my backyard!” and ”that zombie would be easy to run away from”. So why is it OK to have a negative opinion on people that wear smaller sizes?

Yeah yeah yeah, ”I should be happy I am not too big” and so forth, I get that. But to be honest, people: Keep your opinions about people’s sizes and body shapes to yourself unless you are asked, no matter if the thing you want to comment is weight loss or weight gain. Okies?

Kan väl köra en snabb disclaimer på svenska också: Jag vet att folk inte dagligen kommenterar på ”hur smal!” jag har blivit för att vara elaka, men alltså. Klart man börjar ta illa upp när folk hela tiden försöker upplysa en om att man är FÖR smal och att det inte ser jättebra ut? Folk går väl (hoppas jag!) inte runt och upplyser mulliga/storvuxna personer om att de är för tjocka?

Jag försöker INTE säga att det är OK att attackera ”större personer” för deras vikt, jag försöker säga att ingen vill höra att de är för stora eller för små.

Folk borde helt sonika låta bli att kommentera på folks viktminskning/viktökning, för det är alltid en känslig fråga och i synnerhet då om kommentaren uttrycks på ett sätt som visar att personen i fråga inte är helt positivt inställd till viktförändringen. Typ så.