Spreading some Zombie love

I feel that this week has been all about opportunities, openings and possibilities. I like that :) It has been a good week, and I am feeling calm and satisfied today. As they say in Spain: Me gusta.

My Stop Staring! dress arrived today. I tore that package open like a motherfucker and put on the dress the same second I stepped inside my door. Egads. That dress. Words cannot describe how incredibly gorgeous it is ”in person”. And it fits me, it fits me so well! I can’t believe how good I look in it. So yes, I am really longing for and looking forward to my birthday party now, so I can wear that dress and rip everyone’s hearts out ^_^

I am listening to the Spookshow right now, singing along at the top of my lungs. God I love this band. Will probably go for a walk in a little while too. I don’t think this friday can actually get better! I am in a really good mood right now ♥

Just wanted to spread some lovin’ :3

No rest for the wicked ones

I decided to take a power walk yesterday, and was really happy to see that I am still able to keep up with the pace I kept 2 months ago. 2 months. Yes, it is about that long, if not longer, since I was taking my walks. It felt really good to be out and about. And then I caught sight of the full moon, and I was lost. Spellbinding. I don’t believe in magic but I believe in instincts, I suppose you could say. And that moon… incredible. I kind of wanted to run inside and fetch my camera, but I don’t have any good view of it from my home, so I gave up on the idea.

Today I feel a wee bit tired legwise, but apart from that it’s all peachy keen. Well, apart from me being INSANELY tired because I woke up in the middle of the night again and thought it was morning. Urrrgh. Tomorrow I am going to sleep until I wake up naturally, hopefully that will make me feel more rested on saturday…

Well, as Cure said: It’s friday I’m in love (I only heard that other Friday song about …once, so it doesn’t disturb me) and I guess this will be a nice day. I think I will MAKE it a nice day, in any case ^_^ /hi-five

Snow, or just a thicker and whiter kind of rain?

Well, I managed to get one or two pictures showing actual snow this morning, but it was already melting when I got out. Ohwell. Better luck next winter, I still managed to catch one or two good shot of this season ^^

Trying to figure out what to do with my old cell when the new one arrives. Right now I think I’ll just keep it to use when I have to be extra careful. Not sure wether or not that will actually fly though, since I think it’s different SIM cards..? Meh. I’ll keep thinking until I find something nifty out.

Tonight: WoW, I guess. Same old, same old :) May give cutting my own hair a try, I have split ends that I need to take care of :P Not sure if good or bad idea though, but I guess I will know that in retrospective ;D Wish me luck! (^_^)b

Winter wonderland! …wait, what?

For some reason there is snow outside. A LOT of it. And yes, that is cold and stupid and what’s even worse is that I left my winter boots at work yesterday and went home wearing my inhouse shoes. Hrm. BUT I can bring my camera today and take some sweet snow pictures, so I am trying to focus on the positives here :)

Got such a head ache right now, but I am hoping it will pass soon. Not sure if I got enough sleep last night, I know I woke up sometime around three and was confused that it was not yet time to go up and get ready for work. So yeah. Here I am. Tired beyond recognition and with a head ache, and as soon as I get to work I can add wet and cold feet to the list of my miseries. OH WHAT LIFE IS BAD.

I am of course not serious. Even though head ache and cold feet I am still in a good mood. Isn’t that just peachy? :)

Ohwell. Time to get dressed. I bet it is cold as fuck outside so I want to wear something warm :P

Days like these I want to grab the nearest pen and stab you in the brain

Materialist! I like owning things. And I just hung up after upgrading my measly little iPhone 3Gs to an iPhone 4s. /happy dance. Got a really good deal and I will be paying 50SEK less per month for a phone that is pretty much twice as good. Yeah, can’t argue with that ^_^

Today has been a very long day. It started off good but then I started to get really annoyed with some people and the way they handle their work, and then the day was pretty much ruined since I have to try to fix things they mess up. Jolly good. No, really. Makes me giggle happily like a mad panda EVERY TIME. Oh, wait. ;(

Anyway. This wednesday has come to an end and tomorrow it’s thursday. Thursday pass quickly, and fridays are nothing but a big lol until the work day is over. I am most likely going to a party on saturday and then spending the night at the couch of a friend living close by, which will be nice. I feel the need to go out and meet more people, now that I am being all OOC and all! (Out of character – doing thing that are not within my comfort zone)

Will most likely spend the evening with World of Warcraft, but then again I just got the latest issue of Rue Morgue… Hm… :3

Suddenly: Wednesday

Wednesdays. They kind of sneak up on you, don’t they? Or is it just me failing my perception rolls on a weekly basis..? I mean, I should be prepare for a wednesday after a tuesday, but still. Sneaky fuckers.

Rolled my character for Dark Heresy yesterday! I think this will be a very interesting char to play, due to the background and all. She is going to be dangerous, but not in the same way as any of my previous characters – this one is just going to be fucking MAD. Her name is Sister Severine Ephrael, she is a cleric and due to reasons I am not going to mention she is a flagellant. Her aim is to become a Witch Finde, and yeah. Dangerous. :3 BUT, a word to the ones of you that may know my previous characters; She is alike neither Hedwig (the saint!) nor Ophelia, so don’t worry. I am not repeating myself here :) I am actually trying out something new, hehe ^^

So. Wednesday. I think I may aim for taking a walk tonight to be honest, I still have the need to get out and about, so yeah. As we say here in Sweden: Rör på dököttet! :P

”Sizeism” – because it is OK to hate on thin people!(?)

”Have you put on a lot of weight lately? You are starting to look really chubby!”
”Oh my god, when did you get so fat?”
”You should lose some weight, you don’t look as good any more”

Neither of these things are OK to say to someone. But turn them around and read thin instead of fat and you have something that happens every day. You look too thin, you feel like a skeleton, you need to eat more, you should put on weight. Why is it OK that people can comment on my body because I am of a smaller size? I am fully aware that none of the people that have actually commented on my recent weight loss (that was not even a volontarily one, but something that was included in my 4 week sickness) are doing this out of malign or to be rude. But to be perfectly honest, it is not that fun to have people stop by daily to give me their opinion on wether or not I am too think.

Before my weight loss I didn’t like my body. My clothes were getting too small, and looking at myself in a mirror I could see all the flaws. Yes, I know what many are thinking: ”You weren’t even close to being chubby, you were thin back then too!”. Yes, I know. But I was still one or two sizes too big for most of my wardrobe.

Now after I have lost that extra weight I suddenly feel much better about myself. Of course I do! I am back to my high school body, my clothes fit and I think I look good! Yes, I AM shallow. When did I ever tell you that I am not a shallow person?

My point here is still that it is not OK to tell a fat person that they are too fat, so people don’t do that. But it is apparently OK to tell a thin person that they are too thin. Why doesn’t people realize that I too can be hurt by any comment that indicates that I am not good enough? Too thin.

The above picture was entered into a Zombie contest on Facebook. I got a LOT of comments from Americans saying that ”she is stick thin”, ”she has a lollipop neck!”, ”her arms are too thin and it looks really bad” and ”that zombie should go eat some hamburgers instead!”. Seriously. Does anyone think that ANYONE want to hear that about themself?
NO ONE left a comment like that to the chubbier zombie chicks. No one said ”you should eat less burgers and more brains”, ”her arms are bigger than my backyard!” and ”that zombie would be easy to run away from”. So why is it OK to have a negative opinion on people that wear smaller sizes?

Yeah yeah yeah, ”I should be happy I am not too big” and so forth, I get that. But to be honest, people: Keep your opinions about people’s sizes and body shapes to yourself unless you are asked, no matter if the thing you want to comment is weight loss or weight gain. Okies?

Kan väl köra en snabb disclaimer på svenska också: Jag vet att folk inte dagligen kommenterar på ”hur smal!” jag har blivit för att vara elaka, men alltså. Klart man börjar ta illa upp när folk hela tiden försöker upplysa en om att man är FÖR smal och att det inte ser jättebra ut? Folk går väl (hoppas jag!) inte runt och upplyser mulliga/storvuxna personer om att de är för tjocka?

Jag försöker INTE säga att det är OK att attackera ”större personer” för deras vikt, jag försöker säga att ingen vill höra att de är för stora eller för små.

Folk borde helt sonika låta bli att kommentera på folks viktminskning/viktökning, för det är alltid en känslig fråga och i synnerhet då om kommentaren uttrycks på ett sätt som visar att personen i fråga inte är helt positivt inställd till viktförändringen. Typ så.