All that glitters is gold

Who am I? A chameleon, nerd, fashionista, cinephile, gamer, party girl and a hard working person with high morals. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and I wonder who it is I am looking at. Depending on mood and a lot of other factors I can either be on top of the world, or the lowest worm there is to find. At the moment I am, sadly, most often swinging towards the second option; worm. I keep having a hard time finding things that make me happy, and I am not sure if that is only because of the depression or if there is more to it. I can pinpoint a few things that I know for sure are making me sad, but pointing out the problems is not going to solve anything.

I try to keep my santiy by playing WoW and reading. At the moment I am reading Pratchett, which is always a good thing. I should be reading ”Snuff” (Pratchett’s latest book) but I am currently diving into the books about the Ramtop witches. I mean, how to resist? :P
WoW is also good in that way. It kills off the brain and all of a sudden I have spent 10 hours doing practically nothing. It is not productive in any way, but I like all the options I’ve got and I like the social parts of it, especially now with the Real-ID option.

Yeah. Kind of like that. This post is really not saying anything at all. I just think that writing is another of those things that kind of help me keep my sanity. So there.

Hottie of the day ♥

Well, why not continue with this little trend of hot bad guys from 1970’s movies? Today we get David Hess, whom played a lot of those really bad guys back in the days. For example Krug in Last House on the Left and Alex in House at the Edge of the Park. Hess also created the soundtrack to Last House, which is a pretty nice soundtrack all in all – but it also includes one of the weirdest songs I think I’ve ever heard in a movie. I think you actually need to hear it for yourselves, check it out here.

All three of the bad guys from Last House on the Left.

To shop or not to shop?

I browsed around yesterday, looking for something but I didn’t know what. I put a lot of stuff on my wish list for my 28th birtday in March. And then I found that something. It turned out to be two shirts and two dresses. Ouch. Can’t really afford that, can I? I coullllld perhaps afford the two shirts, but what with the upcoming burlesque club the last weekend of February I think I better turn my coins and not buy new clothing right now. Need to get me some tickets and I think also some fabric so I can build a skirt-thingy. Meh. First world problems: Complaining that I can’t buy new shit because I have to buy new shit. lol.

Ohwell. I will ponder upon this for a while. I have been bedridden for over two weeks so it’s not like I have anything else to do with my money. Well, I could of course, you know, SAVE them for a rainy day. I guess that is what I will end up doing anyway. But yeah. Want those shirts. I’ll get back to you on this.

I thought it was Sunday today. Got confused when I looked at my phone and it said Saturday. lolwut? I just got an extra day! Yay! But yeah, as I am still recovering from pneumonia I will spend this day and most likely also tomorrow playing WoW, watching movies and sleeping. I sound like a very fat person when I breathe since I cannot use the full capacity of my lungs, so I breathe heavily and out-of-breath. trolol. I don’t like that :P

Ok, back to WoW. I have a mount to farm for!

Sometimes even a Zombie have the urge to be Girly

Currently listening to the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack and actually thinking about watching the movie. Will prolly download aquire some fun 80’s/90’s chick flicks instead, I am in the mood for silly girlyness and painted nails.

Was at the doctor’s today to do a check up and to take a new blood sample. I am supposed to be at 10 – I was at 127 last friday and 114 this monday. Today? 17 ^_^ Very good indeed, it shows that the antibiotics are actually doing their job, yay! Also, my lung is no longer making the sound of an effervescent tablet ;) As long as I refrain from coughing I actually feel quite human :)

I haven’t worn make up for 2,5 weeks. Feels weird. I bought a lot of new, fun eyeshadows before I left for Gotland, so I think I will have to overdo it next week to make up for all this time when I have been bedridden. …meh, prolly not. I’ll most likely just go for my normal nude make up ;)

So anyway, haven’t gotten a lot of feedback on the question I proposed yesterday. So far only three votes, where the majority (which means ”2”) have gone for the option where I write one or two reviews and then we’ll see if they are fun enough for me to continue. Well. I’ll give it some more time and we’ll see where we’ll end up :) Who wouldn’t want to know my opinion on Cannibal Holocaust or why the Shining was better as a TV series than as a movie..? ♥

Ohwell. I’ll keep you updated.

The shape of things to come

Well, apart from the fact that I have been ill for two weeks and have hardly posted anything at all I am still under the impression that I have lost about 100 readers a day since my switch to english. That is quite contra-productive, seeing as how the plan was to gain readers and not to lose them. Hopefully it is just a glitch due to my absence and nothing else, I kind of enjoy having people read what I have to share ;)

My plan is to start giving off more reviews of movies and books and so forth here. Not only, but as a flavour. I have a LOT of opinions about most of the shit I watch, and it would be fun to share some of it. I am not sure how deep I should get, seeing as how it may be a LOT of spoilers if I go too deep into it, but we’ll see about that. I could always insert a jump and put the spoilers ”after the jump” – also it sounds cool ;)

The thought that triggered this little plan is my rage over bad movie adaptions of Stephen King novels. I have been reading King since I was 9 and I am quite fond of his books, so it kind of pisses me off when the movie is messed up and doesn’t give off the same vibe as the written word. Then again, I have a lot of really good Stephen King movie moments, so it is not all bad. Would this be interesting, or would I only write it to amuse myself and nothing else?

This blog IS an open forum in the way that it needs readers. If I didn’t want your opinions on stuff I would be writing in a book with a pen and keep it locked under my pillow, that kind of diary that I kept when I was young. But blogging is something people do because they want readers and because they want their readers opinions. So, please share your thoughts with me. Book/music/movie/game reviews – Yay or Nay?

[poll id=”1″]

Hottie of the day ♥

Giovanni Lombardo Radice a.k.a. John Morghen. Cute actor known from several cannibal exploitation movies of the ’70s. A good B actor :)

Check out Cannibal Ferox and The House on the Edge of the Park for some Giovanni goodness!