A lot of things are stressing me out right now. Most of them are easy to solve and will be taken care of today/tomorrow/during the weekend, but until they’re fixed I will be all wired up. Ohwell.
The living room is almost finished! It looks really good with white walls, so I hope that this will help us get this apartment sold. So far we’ve fixed two rooms (kitchen+living room) and we are going to paint the fugly bed chamber too, but yeah. I think that’ll have to wait a little while. Or I’ll just go bananas and start painting it this weekend… Probably not, though. The furniture in there is too heavy for a tiny zombie like me to move, so I’ll just leave that to Nath since he is the one who was going to paint in there.
I was at the movies the other night and saw Avengers. All in all a pretty good movie, but it is really overrated and I can’t really see how ALL OF MY FRIENDS thinks that this is the best movie evarrrrr and so forth. Too many cheesy jokes and logic flaws for my taste. And then I started to think: Am I too cynical? I don’t laugh at that much nowadays. I watch Big Bang Theory and it hardly makes me smile, and at the same time everyone else are rolling on the floor laughing. There ARE things that make me giggle like a school girl or laugh like a madman, but I just don’t stumble upon them very often, so perhaps I am just really numb when it comes to excessive feelings? Bah. Instead of laughing with the rest of the audience at all the very obvious jokes (the ones you see coming from a mile away…) I merely got annoyed that they would go for slapstick and such boring jokes. Agh!
So, um. I guess I am just really boring. Or hard to please, could go either way.
Tomorrow Nath is going to host a Magic the Gathering party here, so we will have 6 other nerds in the kitchen. Me and Nath counted in; 8 of us. I will perhaps be going out for a beer after the first couple of games, but that is yet to see. Rumor has it we will have cake and beer while playing, so I might just as well just stay in to spend the evening with the Magic dorks ;)
sv: thank yooou :D
jag tänkte förresten på en grej! hobbymodellar du lite som jag, eller är du på en högre nivå? alltså plåtas för företag, agentur eller så? du verkar ju ha en del schyssta bilder :)
Jag kör bara hobby. Försökte kontakta en agentur eller två när jag var yngre men fick kalla handen direkt, så nu kör jag bara för skojs skull :) Jag gillar att ha snygga bilder på mig själv och jag har vänner som är fotografer som gärna ställer upp :)
sv: Okej! Ja men det kan ju vara lika bra ifall man inte känner att det är ”ens högsta dröm” eller så. Är ju skitkul att du har vänner som gärna fotar i alla fall :) Och vem vet, mitt i allt upptäcker nån dig ändå!
Avengers var faktiskt rättvist overrated, sjukt bra film. För övrigt, sjukt stilig i bunny kostym. Lycka till med försäljningen av lägenheten. Vi måste ses snart och ta en eller tjugo öl =9 Rock on !