
Well, when I said I was feeling feverish yesterday I wasn’t wrong. I left work earlier and went home to sleep, and when I woke up I had a fever of 39 degrees. Meh. Also, I’ve started coughing again. Feeling a wee bit better today but I don’t think I am in the clear here. Just because things are pretty OK right now (compared to yesterday) doesn’t really mean a thing. Hooray.

So, yeah. I will have to stay home from the party tomorrow. If I am still getting fevers I shouldn’t really leave the apartment. I will have to stay in bed/play computer games instead, even though it would be fun to get out and meet people. Again: Meh.

This means I have been ill for three weeks now. THREE goddamn WEEKS!? Overkill. MEH!

Ohwell. I need to get dressed for work and I hope that you all will keep your fingers crossed that the fever doesn’t return. I am supposed to be training some of our ”new” guys today so need to be able to stand up and answer questions and so forth.