Sometimes even a Zombie have the urge to be Girly

Currently listening to the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack and actually thinking about watching the movie. Will prolly download aquire some fun 80’s/90’s chick flicks instead, I am in the mood for silly girlyness and painted nails.

Was at the doctor’s today to do a check up and to take a new blood sample. I am supposed to be at 10 – I was at 127 last friday and 114 this monday. Today? 17 ^_^ Very good indeed, it shows that the antibiotics are actually doing their job, yay! Also, my lung is no longer making the sound of an effervescent tablet ;) As long as I refrain from coughing I actually feel quite human :)

I haven’t worn make up for 2,5 weeks. Feels weird. I bought a lot of new, fun eyeshadows before I left for Gotland, so I think I will have to overdo it next week to make up for all this time when I have been bedridden. …meh, prolly not. I’ll most likely just go for my normal nude make up ;)

So anyway, haven’t gotten a lot of feedback on the question I proposed yesterday. So far only three votes, where the majority (which means ”2”) have gone for the option where I write one or two reviews and then we’ll see if they are fun enough for me to continue. Well. I’ll give it some more time and we’ll see where we’ll end up :) Who wouldn’t want to know my opinion on Cannibal Holocaust or why the Shining was better as a TV series than as a movie..? ♥

Ohwell. I’ll keep you updated.