The Plague of Visby

Giving it a try to get something posted. I haven’t really been able to sit straight during longer periods for a week now, but I feel the need to write and not just lie on the couch and stare at the day TV.

Last time I posted I had just gotten to my grandmother’s. I was feeling feverish and went to bed early. She’s a sweety but that bed is horrible. I didn’t sleep well at all, if I didn’t wake up from the fever or the coughing I woke up from the bed hurting my body. The plan was that I was going back to Eric on the friday, after me and grandma had gone to the cemetary to put some flowers on Anna’s grave, but I was so weak on friday I just stayed in bed all day. Same on saturday, but I could manage to move down to the couch for a while on saturday night to watch some criminal shows which was a relief. That small, brown room I resided it… It is cute and nice and homey in it’s own way, but not the funniest place to spend your ill days. Sunday I imagined I felt a bit better so I was actually up for a couple of hours waiting for Eric to drive me to the airport. My dear, sweet Eric ♥ My very best friend and I guess almost soulmate..?

I was afraid they wouldn’t let me on the plan due to the influenza, but they either didn’t notice or didn’t care. The flight was 15 minutes shorter than planned but it felt like it took twice the time. Rasmus from work was a true knight in a shining armor and actually picked me up from the airport to drive me home, which I really, really appreciated. Thank you! You saved my weekend, tbh ♥

I have been home from work all week so far. Fever still sneaks in from time to time, but mainly because I cough so my lungs hurt. Dry coughing. It hurts my tummy, my head and my lungs. Due to a bad combination of being depressed and having the flu (it is NOT the stomach flu!) I have lost 6 kilos during January. I look thinner, and of course I appreciate being closer to my weight goal, but this is not how I wanted to achieve success :(

I will be going back to get some rest now. I will try to write more here soon, but be patient please.

Lovely, pretty, beautiful Visby.

1 svar på ”The Plague of Visby

  1. Fan det ser ännu kallare ut med alla vikingaborgar och helvete, kom nyss hem från Miami och ja det var ganska kraftiga väder skillnader=)

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