I’m just tired, ’s all

I am feeling stuck, currently. Stuck in this neverendning hamster wheel, with no chance of getting out. There are so many things holding me back and I don’t know how to fight them off and get on, get out, get free. I am just a bit low today, it’ll get better. I hope.

And these weird dreams I’ve been having lately, they confuse me to no end. They are way too cohesive, it’s like looking at a movie. And the stories… I don’t even. But I like dreaming. I just think it sucks that I can’t remember my dreams all that clearly nowadays so I could write them down, as I used to do when I started blogging. Reading through my old dream logs is such fun, because as I read I can picture them in my head.

And all of a sudden, thursday. They do sneak up on you, don’t they? Wasn’t it monday like …yeterday?

I need to reinstall my computer. It is getting clearer and clearer each day. And I hate it. I always fuck the backup up, so that I have three copies of the same file and none of another file. Argh! This working with tech support haven’t really rubbed off on me when it comes to backing up files, lol. But if I actually DO reinstall my computer I will try to sort things out for once so that I can stop the ever ongoing confusion I have when I try to find specific files. I just hope that I won’t be having the same issues this time around as I got last time I reinstalled, where the system gets laggy and feels slower.

But yeah. Time to get dressed and go back into my wheel. Spin spin spin.

1 svar på ”I’m just tired, ’s all

  1. Du känner precis som oss, det eviga ekorrhjulet som fan aldrig slutar snurra.

    Angående öl till helgen: låter riktigt kul. Jag jobbar fredag natt. Men är ni lediga på lördag låter det som en grandiös plan. Försökte lämna Motorhead biografin till dig igår men blev stoppad av en elak port som inte ville släppa in mig. Vi hörs rock on/ Paret Hårdrock

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