No rest for the wicked ones

I decided to take a power walk yesterday, and was really happy to see that I am still able to keep up with the pace I kept 2 months ago. 2 months. Yes, it is about that long, if not longer, since I was taking my walks. It felt really good to be out and about. And then I caught sight of the full moon, and I was lost. Spellbinding. I don’t believe in magic but I believe in instincts, I suppose you could say. And that moon… incredible. I kind of wanted to run inside and fetch my camera, but I don’t have any good view of it from my home, so I gave up on the idea.

Today I feel a wee bit tired legwise, but apart from that it’s all peachy keen. Well, apart from me being INSANELY tired because I woke up in the middle of the night again and thought it was morning. Urrrgh. Tomorrow I am going to sleep until I wake up naturally, hopefully that will make me feel more rested on saturday…

Well, as Cure said: It’s friday I’m in love (I only heard that other Friday song about …once, so it doesn’t disturb me) and I guess this will be a nice day. I think I will MAKE it a nice day, in any case ^_^ /hi-five