Suddenly: Wednesday

Wednesdays. They kind of sneak up on you, don’t they? Or is it just me failing my perception rolls on a weekly basis..? I mean, I should be prepare for a wednesday after a tuesday, but still. Sneaky fuckers.

Rolled my character for Dark Heresy yesterday! I think this will be a very interesting char to play, due to the background and all. She is going to be dangerous, but not in the same way as any of my previous characters – this one is just going to be fucking MAD. Her name is Sister Severine Ephrael, she is a cleric and due to reasons I am not going to mention she is a flagellant. Her aim is to become a Witch Finde, and yeah. Dangerous. :3 BUT, a word to the ones of you that may know my previous characters; She is alike neither Hedwig (the saint!) nor Ophelia, so don’t worry. I am not repeating myself here :) I am actually trying out something new, hehe ^^

So. Wednesday. I think I may aim for taking a walk tonight to be honest, I still have the need to get out and about, so yeah. As we say here in Sweden: Rör på dököttet! :P