Pro at procrastination

Well, of course I never started sewing yesterday. Why make it easy on myself? I cut the fabric and left it in a pile. So today I have to iron it, zig zag it, put it all together and be finished with it. No time tomorrow. Hrm. Good girl! …;(

Why do I always have to put all these little projects to the last second? I *really* need this skirt for tomorrow, so yeah. Can’t really just skip it and wear something else, because I don’t have anything else that would fit the theme I am going for. Silly stupid.

I slept well but woke up an hour before the alarm went off. Deadly tired at the moment, but I will be back to my own self in a little while. Whee. Right now I am listening to christmas music. Hrm. Perhaps something more upbeat would help me wake up..?

I’ll try to put up some pictures of my bustle skirt as soon as it is done. Gives me something more to reach for, which will hopefully help. Hrm.