Awesome is who awesome does

I forgot all of my glasses (three pairs) at work, so I really shouldn’t be hanging around my computer today. Yet I do. Ohwell.

I bought a lot of fabric after work, I am going to try to make a burlesque bustle skirt for saturday. Plan is to build it tomorrow. I am not fully sure how to make it or even what I want it to look like, but meh. I’ve freestyled clothing before so it’s gonna be awesome because I am awesome!

But, well. If I am awesome… how come I don’t feel awesome? I feel paranoid, insecure and 14 years old. I don’t like that, I want and I need control. This is most likely one of the worst things that can happen to a control freak. Dang nabbit. It will work out fine I am sure, but right now I just want to scream if I am going to be perfectly honest with you. I just wish there was something I could do to magically fix things as I’d want them, but meh. Argh!

I am going to bed early today. My neck has been acting up all day and I’ve been both stiff and in a lot of pain. Hopefully the muscles will reset if I get enough rest..? Will bring a handful of comic albums to bed. I started reading Fables all over again. Om nom :3

So. Good night dear friends and not so dear possible enemies.