How am I supposed to keep track of all the changes?

Yesterday it was embarrassingly obvious that I haven’t ben playing WoW for a very long time, and especially the warlock. Was in a heroic with Björn and three randoms, and the tank died. We were me (lock), two palas, one priest and one shaman, and when the pala tank died the healer started yelling for combat ressurrection. I lol’d and said that we had no druids in the party, upon which the healer left the party and the other pala called me a noob. I was really confused, but after asking my guru (Murck) it turned out that yes, Soulstones can be used for combat ressurrections since a long time back. Hepp. Good thing I know that know, but yeah. That was just crazy :D I haven’t really played the warlock since summer 2010 tbh, so I have no clue with all the changes.

Anyway. Weekend was pretty good. I am feeling better and I hope that I won’t get any more fever or cold or whatever, because I am dead tired of being ill after 3,5 week of illness. It makes me want to punch reality in the face, should I be honest here.

Next weekend I am going out to Wicked Mill Society with my brother and Lotta; a brand new burlesque club premiering in Malmö! And I refuse being ill then, because the tickets are already bought and we are all looking forward to this. I don’t think I’ll be wearing my usual red/black burlesque outfit, I’ve got something more omnious in mind that will be black/white which will be awesome. Pictures will come when I actually have assembled a proper outfit ;)

Had these weird dreams about bikes/cars that I had to fix before a race but the guy I was working for was just really hard to please because he had a lot of weird but strong opinions and his brother was really weird about it all. I had just entered their home when the alarm went off, I think it’s a good thing I didn’t have to spend more time with those two lol.