To shop or not to shop?

I browsed around yesterday, looking for something but I didn’t know what. I put a lot of stuff on my wish list for my 28th birtday in March. And then I found that something. It turned out to be two shirts and two dresses. Ouch. Can’t really afford that, can I? I coullllld perhaps afford the two shirts, but what with the upcoming burlesque club the last weekend of February I think I better turn my coins and not buy new clothing right now. Need to get me some tickets and I think also some fabric so I can build a skirt-thingy. Meh. First world problems: Complaining that I can’t buy new shit because I have to buy new shit. lol.

Ohwell. I will ponder upon this for a while. I have been bedridden for over two weeks so it’s not like I have anything else to do with my money. Well, I could of course, you know, SAVE them for a rainy day. I guess that is what I will end up doing anyway. But yeah. Want those shirts. I’ll get back to you on this.

I thought it was Sunday today. Got confused when I looked at my phone and it said Saturday. lolwut? I just got an extra day! Yay! But yeah, as I am still recovering from pneumonia I will spend this day and most likely also tomorrow playing WoW, watching movies and sleeping. I sound like a very fat person when I breathe since I cannot use the full capacity of my lungs, so I breathe heavily and out-of-breath. trolol. I don’t like that :P

Ok, back to WoW. I have a mount to farm for!

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