When in deepest of darkness comes brighest of light.

I’ve got blood in my throat. Been awake for 20 minutes, nosebleeding. Urgh. Not really my cup of tea, I daresay ;)
I’m so awfully tired today. My 12 hours working and sitting by the computer ’till almost 4 am wasn’t that good; Now I’m totally worn out. BUT, I’ve still got loads and loads of thingies to pack. So, I’m just gonna post this and then start packing and start washing again. *sigh*

The worksman whos fixing my apartment called at nine am and told me my kitchen wallpaper had come to an end. Eh? So… I need to get some more = order from Sweden = wait another week until my kitchen is fully finished. Aww! Dang. It’s never my lucky day! I had rather heard him say ”Hiya! You can start moving in today! It’s all done now!” instead.

Well… Pack.